If you have COVID or COVID-like symptoms please book a phone consultation.  

Hyperdome Shopping Centre, Shailer Park QLD 4128

We are pleased to announce the implementation of our new phone system, designed to streamline communication and enhance your experience.
For your convenience please utilise our online booking system. If you require further assistance, please leave a voicemail message and our reception team will promptly respond (usually within 30 minutes). For emergencies please phone 000.

Skin Cancer Checks

We offer full body checks and our experienced doctors offer treatment and removal programs.

With 2 in every 3 Australians diagnosed with skin cancer at some stage in their lives regular checks, every 6-12 months, are vital for your health. Most skin cancers can be treated if detected early. Because Australians spend so much time outdoors in the harsh sun our exposure levels are among the highest in the world.

A skin cancer check is painless and only takes 15-30 minutes. During the appointment your doctor will discuss any issues they spot along with the recommended procedures and treatments available.

Remember – early detection may save your life. Book your appointment today.

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